Owning an Ice Cream Franchise Can be a Great Family Business That You Can Build Together
We never don’t want ice cream, right? This still goes for most adults, but especially for children. Have you ever thought of investing in a franchise that your children would love? Or going into business with your spouse? After all, aren’t two minds better than one? Cold Stone Creamery offers the opportunity to grow and manage a rewarding business that your family will love.
Food franchises are a natural fit for family businesses, according to an article in Entrepreneur, because they mimic the responsibilities and dynamics already existing at home. The same magazine also named us a Top Food Franchise in 2020, because our business model, unique menu, and world-class support takes the guesswork out of starting a business.
Numaan Shah and his brother-in-law are multi-unit owners that chose to operate their Cold Stone Creamery franchise together because “it was family-oriented, fun, and had a great product.” Shah also advises future franchise owners, “I think for someone to make this work, they need to be hands-on, passionate about community involvement and focused on the guest experience. We have built a large and loyal customer base, which makes our business feel even more like an extended family.”

Family Franchises at Cold Stone Creamery Create a Legacy
Marketing Coordinator for Franchise.com, Kerry Crocco reported that more than 70 percent of businesses started as family enterprises. Certainly, running and operating a business is one way to strengthen family bonds. But it is also a way of ensuring job security for yourself and the future of your family.
Many entrepreneurs choose to become either franchise or small-business owners because of the ease in the exit strategy of one day turning over their empire to their children. This game plan serves as a significant approach to retirement in an era where younger generations are struggling to find lucrative employment.
If you worry that your children will suffer in this economy, investing in a franchise with Cold Stone Creamery can possibly help to secure a career path. In the University of Chicago Press Journals, one study showed that parental entrepreneurship increases the probability of children’s entrepreneurship by about 60 percent.
Ultimately, whether your children remain with your family enterprise or not, the experience of participating in a family business can potentially put them on the accelerated route to entrepreneurship success. Thus, the ownership of Cold Stone Creamery franchises can be a “flavorable” chance to make a sweeter lifestyle for you and your family.
Ready to Start an Ice Cream Franchise With Your Family?
There’s never been a better time to invest with the coolest franchise out there! For information on Cold Stone Creamery Franchise fill out our franchise information form or explore our research pages!
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