Now Is The Perfect Time To Own A Cold Stone Creamery Franchise

Strong economy and consumers eager to be out creates unique opportunities

After a very long two-plus years, the U.S. economy is heating up, thanks to consumers who are eager to dine out and more away from home. A lot of those people want a treat, and so are seeking out their local Cold Stone Creamery™ ice cream franchise. For some, Cold Stone is a new experience, for others, it’s returning to a longtime favorite. Either way, it’s good business, says Jay Goldstein, Vice President of Franchise Development.

“Cold Stone Creamery has been a consumer favorite for more than 30 years, thanks to an unwavering dedication to quality products and franchise owner support,” Goldstein says. “That growth continues thanks to a brand that consumers — especially Millennials and GenZ — identify with thanks to its use of authentic, fresh ingredients.”

cold stone creamery line of consumersOn-site creation, dozens of “have it your way” options drive business

In addition to making its ice cream onsite, every Cold Stone Creamery ice cream franchise provides visitors with a seemingly endless array of add-ins and other ways to customize their frozen treat. That builds interest in repeat visits to try a new twist on a current favorite. Seasonal and limited-run favorites also appeal to customers tired of small, static menus with little innovation.

“Cold Stone Creamery ice cream franchise menus are always in motion, which gets people curious,” Goldstein says. “Someone may have a longtime favorite, but want to try it with a new add-in. Or they have heard about a seasonal offering or see another patron trying something that’s also new. A large and ever-changing menu means consumer interest, and brand loyalty, both of which help produce revenue for that franchise owner.”

The value of a fun, friendly visitor experience is huge

Today’s consumers, especially the Millennials and younger cohorts, also want to show off what they’re doing. These are social media generations, so creating a product immediately Instagrammable is another reason why Cold Stone Creamery franchise have such loyal clientele. We train our employees to interact and make suggestions with customers vs. just taking an order and putting a sundae or other confection together. The whole visit becomes engaging and fun — and video-worthy.

“Cold Stone is justifiably known for the Ultimate Ice Cream Experience,” Goldstein says. “This has been a foundational element that has supported more than 30 years of growth and continues to allow franchise owners to start and grow a strong business that is a favorite gathering spot for the community.”

Cold Stone Creamery franchise now has stores across the United States and a presence in multiple international markets. We still have optimal territory available for new franchise expansion and development. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, Cold Stone Creamery is owned by parent company Kahala Brands™, one of the world’s fastest-growing franchising companies with a portfolio of 28 quick-service restaurant concepts.

Open a popular Cold Stone Creamery franchise

Bring an ice cream store to your community that’s likely to become a go-to destination for customers. Find out more by requesting a copy of our free Franchise Information Report or exploring the research pages on our franchise website.

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